
The ideal itinerary to explore Easter Island in 5 days

Travel Coach Chile > Preparing for your trip > The ideal itinerary to explore Easter Island in 5 days

As you know, at TravelCoachChile, we are always eager to share our ideas for itineraries for a dream stay in Chile. This time, we head to the Pacific Ocean to discover our perfect itinerary to visit Easter Island in 5 days.

Easter Island is the most isolated territory in the world, located in the middle of the ocean in Chilean Polynesia. This exceptional geographical location makes Easter Island unique, authentic, mysterious, and fascinating.

Even if you’ve never heard of this small island lost in the middle of the Pacific, you’ve probably at least seen pictures of the mysterious moais that inhabit it.

tongariki must-see Easter island ocean itinerary trip

To discover all there is to know about Easter Island, don’t miss our comprehensive guide to the destination. So now that you know something about this mythical island, let’s move on to our tour.

How can you make the most of 5 days on Easter Island?

In terms of duration, we recommend a minimum of 3 full days on site, and 2 days for trips. If you have more time, you can easily devote 7 days to it. Here is our recommended itinerary for a 5-day “express” getaway on Easter Island.

During these few days, you will have the opportunity to discover its many secrets! You will explore Rapa Nui, its pink sandy beaches, its volcanoes, and the meadows that comprise it, but above all you will admire the more than 1,000 moais, witnesses of the island’s complex and mysterious history.

Day 1: Smooth arrival on Easter Island

Let’s get the first day of our unforgettable itinerary to visit Easter Island started. In general, flights leave from Santiago, Chile in the morning, which allows you to arrive peacefully in Hanga Roa (the main village of the island), eat your first ceviche, and discover the famous moais (the beginning of a long series).

For your first afternoon, I suggest you hang around Hanga Roa, the center of life on Easter Island. Stroll through the village, enjoying the permanent sea view. Start with a visit to the Tahai archaeological site, where you will find some Ahu, the platforms on which the Rapa Nui worshiped their ancestors. This will also be an opportunity to discover your first two solitary moai, one of them the only one with eyes on the island.

To end your day, stroll through the alleys, tasting the local gastronomy and popping into the small artisan shops. You can also visit the small cove or eat a delicious ice cream with a view of the sea. Once on the terrace of your cabin, at the end of the day, you will probably have the opportunity to admire a beautiful sunset, and with a little luck, you will see small turtles. By the end of the day, we recommend renting a small 4×4 vehicle that will be your means of transport throughout your stay. Beware, however, of insurance scams, and check the condition of the vehicle before agreeing to the rental. To avoid any potential inconveniences, we have selected the best car rental agencies on Easter Island.

hanga roa village Easter island

Day 2: Easter Island and its natural wonders

During your first full day on Easter Island, you will discover the ceremonial sites of Rapa Nui and immerse yourself in the history of the island.

We suggest you start with a visit to the ceremonial city of Orongo, located at the top of the Rano Kau volcano, where the most important ceremony of the second period of the island was performed: the election of “Tangata Manu” (the bird-man). To get there, you will pass by the crater of the Rano Kau volcano, which has been formed by the sea. Rano Kau is the largest volcanic crater on Easter Island! Hiking enthusiasts will enjoy spending a half day exploring it on foot.

For the second part of the day, you can explore the west coast of the island through the center, and in particular, the quarry of Puna Pau. This is where the headdresses of the statues, the pukao, were cut. You can get a nice panoramic view of the city by climbing a little bit. Then, reach the Ahu Akivi, the only site located inland where the moais face the sea. These seven moais represent the envoys of King Hotu-Matua. Hiking aficionados can also dedicate a whole day to this area, either by a trek from the Ahu Akivi to the top of the island, or by taking a taxi there and walking back down to the village along the coast.

rano kau Easter island day 2

Day 3: Discover more mysteries of Easter Island

For your third day, early risers won’t miss the sunrise over the Ahu Tongariki, which is the largest of the island’s ceremonial sites, with 15 moais erected with their backs to the ocean. It is arguably one of the island’s most famous viewpoints.

Right next to it is the site of the volcano and the Rano Raraku quarry. This is where the famous moais were cut. The site is majestic and will imprint an unforgettable memory. You will also enjoy its fantastic view of the Ahu Tongariki and the ocean.

After, you can head to the Bay of Pérousse. Two “ahu” are there, that of Heki and Te Pito Kura. The moai, which unfortunately lies on the ground, is the largest ever raised on an ahu, spanning 40 feet.

moais Easter island

Day 4: Relaxation and rest on a paradisical beach

For those who crave a day of doing absolutely nothing, you will probably be thrilled to spend your last full day relaxing peacefully on the beach of Anakena. On this beautiful white-sand beach lined with palm trees, you can admire the statues of the ahu Ature Huki and Nau-Nau.

On the way back to your lodging, be sure to stop at Papa Vaka, an interesting site at the edge of the path displaying pretty petroglyphs that evoke the beliefs of the Rapa Nui culture, including its symbolic relationship with the sea: “Papa” means “stone” and “Vaka,” “canoe” (kahi, tuna, mango, shark, and mangai, the fishhook). One of the petroglyphs is 40 feet long!

itinerary to visit Easter Island anakena beach

Day 5: Adiós, Easter Island!

First, take the time to enjoy one last breakfast on the island and say your goodbyes to this magical place. The transfer from your hotel will take you to the airport. Be careful, due to the time zone difference, you lose 2 hours.

This itinerary is, of course, only an idea of the possibilities of the island. Thrill seekers will enjoy 4-wheeling off road, while sports enthusiasts will take the opportunity to go diving or stand-up paddle, not to mention bike riding. The island also offers beautiful hiking, walking, and horseback riding options, and of course offers plenty of culinary delights for foodies!

If you are looking for a custom-made itinerary to discover the corners of this magical island in an unique way and off the beaten path, do not hesitate to contact us by requesting your tailor-made quote for a trip to Easter Island.

We have just returned from a stay on the island where we visited with many suppliers and providers and came back with our pockets full of good deals (and great memories) that we are ready to share with you!

See you soon for new adventures!

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